
Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

Contoh Soal Ujian Akhir Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTS

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Choose the correct answer by giving bold  a,b,c  or  d at the answer sheet!
Thunder sounds like an explosion. Lightning causes thunder. The sound comes from air that suddenly gets very hot.
A bolt of lightning can make the air around it as hot as 18,000° Fahrenheit (10,000° Celsius). That’s hotter than the surface of the Sun! The hot air rushes away from the lightning bolt. The air rushing away makes the loud sound of thunder.
You often hear the thunder after you see a bolt of lightning. This is because sound travels slower than light. The farther away the lightning is, the longer it takes for you to hear the thunder. You can tell how far away the lightning is. You can count the seconds between the lightning and the sound of the thunder it makes. Sound travels about 1 mile (about 1.6 kilometers) every 5 seconds. If you count slowly to 5 and hear thunder, the lightning bolt was about 1 mile away. If you count to 15 before you hear thunder, the lightning bolt was 3 miles away.
1. Paragraph 2 of the text above tells you about … .

A.         the heat of the sun surface
B.         the loud sound of  air
C.         how the thunder happens.
D.         the sun that shines the air.

2. Why do we often hear the thunder after seeing the lightning?
A.             The light travels faster the sound.
B.             The thunder is very hot to feel.
C.             The lightening is farther away.
D.             The air rushes to heat the earth.

3. The lightning bolt is … miles away from you if you count the sound of thunder at 30 seconds.
A.         7
B.         6
C.         5
D.         4

4. “A bolt of lightning can make the air around it as hot as 18,000° Fahrenheit (10,000° Celsius.”
           The word “it” in the sentence refers to … .
A.           the air
B.           the sun
C.           the lightning
D.           the soun
 Andreas was a student of the University of Indonesia. Like many other students, he did not have much money because his grant was just enough to live on.
       Last year, during the semester holiday, he decided to go to Surabaya. He wanted to visit some friends there. Unfortunately, he could not afford a bus ticket, and even the train was too expensive. He, therefore, decided to hitchhike. He caught a bus to reach the highway and waited. It was a cold, rainy December day. While he was waiting, he got soaked to the skin.
       After waiting for hours, he finally got a lift from a truck driver, who was going to Surabaya. Andreas felt extremely relieved. The truck driver, a reasonably well-dressed man of around 35 seemed friendly. He and Andreas talked a lot.
       Suddenly, as they were driving along the highway, a police car raced past them and made them stop. They were taken to the police station because the police suspected that the truck was carrying stolen goods.
       Andreas was interrogated by a detective for two hours. He even had to spend the night in a cell. He was eventually released the next day. Apparently, the truck was carrying stolen television sets.

5.  What does the text tell you about?
A.         The stolen vehicle.
B.         The poor hitchhiker.
C.         The exciting holiday.
D.         The missing student.

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Andreas took a bus to get to the highway.
B. Andreas went to Surabaya to spend his holiday.
C. Andreas had many friends who lived in Surabaya.
D. The weather was cold when Andreas waited for a bus.

7. Andreas tried to get a lift to Surabaya because ... .
A.      there was no bus passing by the highway
B.      he was a college student who liked an adventure
C.      he had promised to visit his friends during holiday
D.      he had no money to buy the bus and train ticket

8. What moral value can you learn from the story above?
A.      Good people always help each other.
B.      It is shameful to ask for someone’s help.
C.      You should take high risk in order to get fun.
D.      Do not fully trust someone whom you do not know well.

Like ants, honey bees work together with their friends. They live in a huge group of female and male workers.  … (9) leader is the queen bee. Honeybees often visit flower or drink on the surface of pools and ponds. These bees … (10) the honey that we eat. They are also pollinators of many fruit and vegetable crops. Their wings that moved … (11) cause the “buzz” sound.
A.      Her
B.      His
C.      Their
D.      They

A.      produce
B.      consume
C.      save
D.      like

A.      soundly
B.      happily
C.      rapidly
D.      slowly
There are many kinds of cactus plants, but most grow in deserts and other dry places. These plants have adaptations, or special features, that let them live in places where there is little water.
Imagine only having to take one big drink of water two or three times a year. That’s all the water a cactus plant needs. The cactus is made up mostly of stems and roots. Most kinds of cactus have no leaves or leaves that are very small. The cactus is made for storing water, and water can escape through leaves.
The roots of a cactus spread out close to the surface of the ground. When it rains, the roots soak up as much water as possible. Cactus plants do not grow close to one another. Each plant needs lots of room to collect water. The stem of the cactus stores the water for later use.

14. “ …. the roots soak up as much water as possible.” (paragraph 3)
     What does the underlined word phrase mean?
A.        Absorb
B.        Take out
C.        Include
D.        Spread
Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They learn how to protect the environment and conserve resources.
Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and learning how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work.
Scouting has many ranks. Scouts advance through the ranks by learning new skills and earning badges.
Scouts learn teamwork and cooperation by working together. Scout law requires Scouts to practice many virtues. Among them, a Scout should be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, and cheerful.
15.The text tells you about … .
A.      arts
B.      crafts
C.      scouts
D.      skills

16. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.      Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun.
B.      Scouts learn how to protect the environment.
C.      Scouts know how to survive in the outdoors.
D.      Scouts swim, play sports and go camping.

17. Which virtues must not be done by scouts according to the text?
A.      Courteous.
B.      Cruel.
C.      Obedient.
D.      Cheerful.

18. “ …. and learn how to survive in the outdoors.”
      What does the word “survive” mean?
A.     Stay alive
B.     Look for
C.     Get ready
D.     Eat out

19. Choose the best arrangement of the sentences below to make a good paragraph.
1.   They don’t eat any mushroom unless they know it’s safe.
2.   Mushroom hunters have to be very careful.
3.   But some mushrooms are poisonous.
4.   They can make you sick and damage your organs.
5.   A few are even deadly.
6.   The most famous poisonous mushrooms are the amanitas.
7.    They cause most of the mushroom poisonings in the United States.
A.                  3-1-7-4-5-2-6
B.                  3-5-7-1-2-4-6
C.                  3-4-5-6-7-2-1
D.                  3-6-7-2-1-4-5

20. Arrange the words into meaningful sentences!
            .listening toMr. Teddytellingareis a storyandhis studentshim
           1                    2               3          4       5         6         7              8               9
A.                  2-5-1-8-7-4-6-3-9
B.                  2-5-3-6-5-1-7-9-2
C.                  2-5-3-6-7-8-4-1-9

D.                  2-5-1-4-3-9-8-6-7

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