

Para Siswa SMPN 1 kayen Berwisata Ke Pantai Kuta Pulau Dewata Bali


Beberapa alumnus SMPN 1 Kayen bersilaturohim pada Hari Idul Fitri


Indah Bunga Anggraeni Juara 3 Lomba Story Telling Kab. Pati Thn 2012


Bersama para peserta calon IN kelas 7a LPMP Jogya Thn 2014


Peserta lomba MPI,Blog,Website di BPTIKP Disdik Jateng Thn 2014


Para Siswa memggunakan gambar,realia untuk bercerita Bahasa Inggris


Bersama dengan Juri dan Peserta pada Lomba Inovasi Media Nasional

Minggu, 07 September 2014


Written and posted : Sunday, 7 September 2014. By Admin Blog.
All right the readers. at this posting I would like to share about Greeting. When we meet our friend in the morning we will say : Good Morning. When we meet them in the afternoon we will  say Good Afternoon to them. When we meet them in the evening we will say Good Evening to them. We say Good night to our father/mother/brother and sister when we go to bed for sleeping.

If you want to see more about this please watch
If we meet someone else in occasion, what will we say. How we greet him/her? Please watch
How do we say to someone...Nice to meet you...(Senang berjumpa dengan anda)...Please see
More about this see this  You Tube Video about Greeting