

Para Siswa SMPN 1 kayen Berwisata Ke Pantai Kuta Pulau Dewata Bali


Beberapa alumnus SMPN 1 Kayen bersilaturohim pada Hari Idul Fitri


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Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

The Addiction of The Drug and The Death of The Future

Written and Posted By P Damin
Honourable the commite.  Honourable ladies and the gentleman.
First off all, Let’s thank to God because... at  this morning.... we are able to gather here in a good situation and stay healthy.

Assalamualaikum wrwb.
Let me introduce myself. My name is......I am from.......................

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
At this chance, I would like to make speech about ‘The Addiction Of The Drug
And The Death Of The Future’

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
As a young generation, in our daily live, we  often face some problems that have to be solved. As students, we have some homeworks that have to be done. We might have not paid the school  tuition yet. We may get bad marks in the tests or examination.  There are some of us who run to the drug. They think that by consumming them, they can solve their problems.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
By running to the drug,for a moment, they may forget to their problems. But in reallity, they can not solve  their problems. In fact, a big problem arises that is they become addiction to the drug. Addiction to the drug is very dangerous to their life. They don’t think about their lives anymore. They don’t think about their God. They don’t think about their parents. They don’t think about their brothers. They don’t think about their sisters.  They don’t think about their friends. They don’t think about the other people. And they don’t think about their future. I say here that by addicting to the drug means the death of the future.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
As young generation, we want to be a succesful students. As teenagers, we want to live in a better way. As  youngsters, we want to live happily. In other words, we want a better future.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Relating to this case, I have some advices.
1. We should be patient in facing our probems we face.
2. We should ask help to our friends, our parents, our brothers, our sisters or our  teacher to solve our problems.
3. We should pray to our God to give the solution to our problems.

Okay, the audience. Thanks for your attention. Sorry for my mistakes and see you next and good bye.
Wassalamualaikum wrwb.

commite                                                          : panitia
are able to = can = could                                 : dapat
gather                                                              : berkumpul
introduce                                                         : memperkenalkan
chance = opportunity = occasion                   : kesempatan
make speech                                                    : berpidato
addiction = abuse                                            : kecanduan
drug                                                                 : obat bius/ narkotika
death                                                               : kematian
face                                                                 : menghadapi, muka
problems = matter                                           : masalah
have to be solved                                            : harus diselesaikan
homeworks = assignment                                : pekerjaan rumah (PR)
have to be done = have to be carried out        : harus dilaksanakan
have not paid yet                                           : belum dibayar
school  tuition = school fee                             : ongkos/biaya sekolah
get = gain = obtain = require                           : mendapat, memperoleh
bad marks/ scores                                            : nilai jelek
examination                                                     : ujian
run to                                                               : berlari ke
for a moment = for a while                             : sementara
forget                                                              : lupa
solve                                                                : menyelesaikan
arises                                                               : muncul
become addiction                                            : menjadi kecanduan
very dangerous to                                           : sangat berbahaya pada
say here = tell here                                          : katakan disini
means                                                              : berarti
as                                                                     : sebagai
young generation = teenagers = youngster : pemuda/remaja
relating to this case                                         : berhubungan dengan masalah ini
advices.= suggestion                                       : saran, nasehat
should be patient                                             : seharusnya bersabar
face                                                                 : menghadap, muka
pray                                                                 : berdoa

aaudience = viewer = watcher                        : pemirsa, penonton

Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Discipline is Our Habit

Written and Posted By P Damin
Honorable the juries/the audience
Honorable the teachers from .............................
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum  Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce myself. My name is .................. I’m from ...................
At this chance, I would like to make speech entitle “Dicipline is our Habit

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
What is the meaning of discipline? “Discipline” means that we always do our activities or our jobs according to the time that we have planed. Or we can say, we do our activities according to the time schedule.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
My question is : has discipline become  our habit. As students, sometimes, we  make some mistakes by breaking school regulation. It is the rule that the students must wear the school uniform when they are at school. Most of the students have worn white shirt, blue short/ skirt, black shoes, and a tie. But, there are a few students wear white shoes. The students who break the rule, at last, they get punishment from the teachers.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
If we want to be successful students, we should arrange our time well and we should obey them by ourselves. It is better for us to divide our time for studying, going to school, playing, helping our parents, for sleeping and taking a rest.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
In learning the discipline, we can see Japan. In the World War II, this country was damage. But now Japan has become one of the Modern and Rich country. The Japan people always appreciate the time well for studying, working, and taking a rest. Most of them are discipline.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
We want to be a welfare family. We want to be a welfare country. Let the discipline becomes our habit.
I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.

meaning                                                           : arti
means                                                              : beararti
do = carry out                                                 : mengerjakan
jobs = work                                                     : pekerjaan
according to                                                    : menurut
have planed                                                     : telah merencanakan
say = tell                                                          : mengatakan
time schedule.                                                 : jadwal
sometimes                                                       : kadang -kadang
make                                                                : membuat
mistakes                                                          : kesalahan
breaking                                                          : melangar
school regulation                                             : tata tertib sekolah
rule                                                                  : peraturan
wear = put on                                                  : mengenakan
uniform                                                           : seragam
have worn                                                       : telah mengenakan
white shirt                                                       : baju putih
blue short                                                        : celana pendek
skirt                                                                 : rok bawah
a few                                                               : sedikit
break the rule                                                  : melanggar aturan
punishment                                                      : hukuman
should                                                                         : seharusnya
arrange                                                            : mengatur
obey                                                                : mematuhi
ourselves                                                         : diri kita sendiri
better                                                               : lebih baik
divide                                                              : membagi
our parents                                                      : orang tua kita
sleeping                                                           : tidur
taking a rest = have a break                            : beristirahat
in learning                                                       : dalam belajar
world war II                                                    : perang dunia II
damage = distruction = broken = misty          : berantakan
has become                                                      : telah menjadi
appreciate                                                        : menghargai
welfare family                                                 : keluarga sejahtera

English is The Key of Global World

Written and Posted By P Damin
Honorable the juries,
Honorable the teachers from ..............
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum  Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce myself. My name is .................. I’m from ...................
At this accasion, I am going to make speech entitle “ English is the Key For The Global World”.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
As human being, we need to communicate to each other for fulfilling our daily needs such as food, drinks, clothes etc. One mean of communication is language. We talk and speak to other people by using a certain language. It’s Ok in Java Island, we use java language and Sunda language.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
We can communicate to the people from the other provinces in Indonesia by using Indonesian Language. No problem. That acceptable. We managed to communicate to most of Indonesian People by using Indonesian Language.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
The main problem for us is we are in the global world now. In the global world as if no border among the countries. We do not only communicate to Indonesian People but we should communicate to other people from all over the world who come to our country. There are a lot of people from Indonesia also go abroad. Should we speak to the foreigners with our mother language or Indonesian Language? Of course, most of them do not understand what we are talking about. We….fail.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
How to overcome this problem?. The answer is English. English is spoken all over the world. English has become one of the international language. Wherever we go to a certain part of the world most of the people will understand us if we communicate with them by using English.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
There are many information, sciences and  technology that are written in English. That’s why English is the key of the global world. If we master English well, we can communicate to other people from all over the world. We can also improve our skills and knowledge by reading English books or articles by opening the internet.

I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.

key                                                                  : kunci
world                                                               : dunia
as                                                                     : sebagaimana
human being = people = person = man           : manusia
fulfilling                                                          : memenuhi
daily needs                                                      : kebutuhan sehari-hari
such as                                                             : misalnya
mean                                                                : alat
language                                                          : bahasa
acceptable                                                       : dapat diterima
managed to = succeded                                  : berhasil                                             
main                                                                : utama
problem = matter                                             : masalah
as if                                                                 : seolah - olah
border                                                              : batas
all over the world                                            : di seluruh dunia
country = state = nation                                  : negara
a lot of                                                             : banyak
abroad = overseas = other country                  : luar negeri
foreigners                                                        : orang asing
understand                                                      : mengerti
are talking about = are discussing                   : sedang membicarakan
fail                                                                   : gagal
overcome                                                         : mengatasi
is spoken                                                         : dibicarakan
has become                                                      : telah menjadi
wherever                                                         : kemanapun
science = knowledge                                       : ilmu pengetahuan
are written                                                       : ditulis
that’s why                                                       : oleh karena itu mengapa
master                                                              : menguasai
well                                                                 : dengan baik

improve = increase                                          : meningkatkan

The Important of Education

Written and Posted By P Damin
Honorable the juries/the audience.
Honorable the teachers of junior/ high school from ........
And my beloved friends,
Assalamualaikum  Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me. Let me introduce myself. My name is ......................... I’m from SMP N 01 Kayen. At this occasion, I would like to make speech about 
The Important  Of Education

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
At this time, I would like to make speech about “The Important Of Education’

What the meaning of Education? Education is the process of getting knowledge and skills inside school and outside school. At school, there is usually teaching and learning process between the teachers and the students.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
There are two kinds of Education, those are Formal Education and Informal Education. Formal Education consists of some levels, such as : Play Group, Kinder Garden, Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, Vacational School, and University.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Science and technology develop so rapidly now. We can get science, technology and some skills trough Formal Education and Informal one.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
As a free country with rich nature resources and human resources, we don’t want to be arranged by the foreigners. We don’t want to be pressed by other countries. As a free country, we want to build our nation by our selves. We want to arrange our people  and our nation by our power and our human resources.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
What is the answer of all these?  Education. Once again I say Education. Through Education, we get knowledge. Through Education, we gain skills and some experience to become clever and skilful persons.
I think that,s all. Thank you very much for your attention. I’m sorry for my mistakes and see you later.
Assalamualaikum wrwb.

important  = necessary                                    : perlu
education                                                        : pendidikan
make speech                                                    : berpidato
science = knowledge                                       : ilmu pengetahuan
skills                                                                : keahlian
inside                                                               : di dalam
outside                                                            : diluar
teaching                                                           : mengajar
learning = studying                                         : belajar
kinds                                                               : macam - macam
consists of                                                       : terdiri dari
develop                                                           : berkembang
so                                                                     : dengan demikian
rapidly = quickly = fast = soon                       : dengan cepat
get = get = gain = obtain = require                 : mendapat
through                                                            : melalui
country = state            = nation                                  : negara
natural resources                                             : sumber daya alam
human resources                                              : sumber daya manusia
don’t want to be arranged by                                     : tidak ingin diatur
foreigners                                                        ; orang asing
don’t want to be pressed by                           : tidak ingin ditekan
other countries.                                               ; negara lain
as a free country                                              : sebagai negara yang merdeka
build                                                                : membangun
arrange                                                            : mengatur
answer                                                             : menjawab
once again                                                       : sekali lagi
say = tell                                                          : mengatakan
experience                                                       : pengalaman

become                                                            : menjadi         

Welcome To Pati

Written and Posted By P Damin
Honorable the juries
Honorable the teachers of junior high school from Pati regency
And my beloved friends
Assalamualaikum  Wrwb.
Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the time that given to me, let me introduce my self. My name is........................
I’m from ..........
At this time, I would like tomake speech entitle “ Welcome To Pati

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Pati is the small town and the name of a regency in Central Java. It is located between Kudus and Rembang. Last year, Pati got adipura reward from Indonesian Government for one of the smallest, the cleanest, and the most beautiful town in Indonesia. In the sides of the streets , there are a lot of trees that makes the town green and the air fresh.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
As one of  the oldest town, there are many histories sites are found in Pati. The Gate of Majapahit in Rondole Village, “Genuk Kemiri” in Kemiri Village, The Grave of Joyokusumo or Kembang joyo the first Pati Regent in Kemiri Village.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
There are also some religious tourism objects such as “Syeh Jangkung Grave” in Kayen, “Syeh Ahmad Mutamakin and Ronggokusuma in Margoyoso, Sunan Prawoto in Sukolilo.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Besides, if you are travelling to Pati, you will eat delicious traditional food such as , Nasi Gandul Gajahmati and Soto Kemiri. You can also buy some food for your family such as “Garuda peanuts and Dwi Kelinci peanuts”.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Not only these, when you go to Juwana, you will buy some souvenir made from brass. You can see some boats and ships who bring a lot of fish in Juwana port.
For watching the beautiful panorama, you can visit “ Gunung Rowo Reservoir” in Tlogowungu, Seloromo Reservoir in Gembong, Wareh Cave in Sukolilo, Pancur Cave in Kayen, and Tadah Udan Waterfall in Sukolilo. There are a lot of giant water resources in Karst Sukolilo that are used by the society for clean water and farming.

Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
 By visiting Pati, you will get unforgettable experience. Welcome to Pati now and future.

welcome                                                          : selamat datang
small = tiny                                                     : kecil
town = city = urban area                                 : kota
regency                                                            : kabupaten
central java                                                      : jawa tengah
is located between                                          : terletak diantara
reward                                                             : penghargaan
streets = roads                                                 : jalan raya
are found = are invented = are discovered     : ditemukan
gate                                                                 : pintu gerbang
village = rural area = countriside                     : desa
grave                                                               : makam
religious tourism objects                                 : tempat wisata relegius
such as                                                             : misalnya
besides                                                                        : disamping itu
travel = trip = journey                                     : bepergian
delicious                                                          : lezat
food = meal                                                     : makanan
peanuts                                                            : kacang
boats = ship                                                     : perahu,kapal
bring  =  carry                                                  : membawa
a lot of                                                             : banyak
fish                                                                  : ikan
port  = harbor                                                  : pelabuhan
panorama = scenery = sightseeing                  : pemandangan
reservoir                                                          : waduk,bendungan
cave                                                                 : goa
waterfall                                                          : air terjun
giant water resources                                      : sumber air raksasa
are used                                                           : digunakan
society = community                                       :  masyarakat
get = gain = obtain = require                           : mendapat, memperoleh
unforgettable                                                   : tak terlupakan

experience                                                       : pengalaman